WHO trains female staff in Uganda on personal security

WHO trains female staff in Uganda on personal security

On 14-15 August 2024, the World Health Organization (WHO) in partnership with the United Nations UN Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) held a training on Women Security Awareness Training (WSAT) for 14 WHO female members of staff in Uganda.

 The main objectives of the training included increasing awareness and mitigating security risks that may affect female personnel, available response mechanisms, safe commuting, violence against women, residential security, and practical basic vehicle mechanics among others.

 “We are committed to ensuring that our staff are safe at and outside the workplace by regularly empowering them,” said Christopher Chikombero, the Operations Officer.

 By the end of August 2024, 43% of the WHO Uganda female personnel had attended WSAT. The plan is to have all female Uganda staff trained by the end of 2024.

 “The WSAT was a first of its kind to me, and it addressed gender specific security risks and vulnerabilities for women. It was a very interactive and practical session that opened my eyes to several concerns regarding personal security.” said Dr. Jackline Karungi, the staff health and wellbeing officer.

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For Additional Information or to Request Interviews, Please contact:
Anthony Bugembe

Communications Associate
WHO Uganda

Email: afwcougcom [at] who.int (afwcougcom[at]who[dot]int)

Elise Tcheutchoua Yonkeu

Communications Officer
WHO Uganda
Email: tcheutchouae [at] who.int (tcheutchouae[at]who[dot]int)